Give Thanks on Thursday, Give Donations on Tuesday

Give Thanks on Thursday, Give Donations on Tuesday

Thankfulness is closely tied to recognition, so it’s no wonder Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays! This year, as you enjoy friends, family and food, take some time to recognize those gifts you already have.

You can take your Thanksgiving celebrations a step further on Dec. 1 by participating in Giving Tuesday — an international day of giving to the charity of your choice.

Giving Tuesday is another favorite holiday of ours, and we invite you to participate and donate to the causes that matter to you. We personally love organizations that directly benefit the Tallahassee and Big Bend community. Here are some of our favorite local charities:

  1. 2-1-1 Big Bend, Inc.
  2. America's Second Harvest of the Big Bend
  3. Big Bend Cares
  4. Big Bend Habitat for Humanity
  5. Big Bend Homeless Coalition
  6. Capital City Youth Services, Inc.
  7. Elder Care Services
  8. PACE Center for Girls
  9. Rotary Youth Camp
  10. The Oasis Center for Women & Girls
  11. United Way of the Big Bend

Not able to donate this year? Giving Tuesday is about more than monetary donations. The holiday is also about giving your time and your talents to support others. You can donate canned food to your local food bank or even donate your time by volunteering at an organization you believe in.

So before you indulge in Black Friday and Cyber Monday spending sprees, think about what you have to give on Giving Tuesday!