Recognizing the Good with the Bad

Recognition often means noticing the good work employees are doing, and at Awards4U, we spend a lot of time talking about positive employee recognition.

However, it can be just as important to recognize when an employee is behaving negatively or falling behind.

We’re not talking about the odd bad day — we’re talking about employees whose behavior drastically changes and/or whose production takes a prolonged nose-dive.

New babies, divorce or even substance abuse in the family can all affect an employee’s performance, and recognizing this and having policies in place to help are a crucial part of every business plan.

There are certainly lines that shouldn’t be crossed regarding employee’s personal lives. But inquiring about an employee’s changed behavior in the workplace is perfectly appropriate — and may open communication lines.

Check with your human resources department, and make sure you’re prepared to help your employees with life’s occasional speed bumps.