Thankfulness is a form of recognition, so it’s no surprise that Thanksgiving is one of our staff’s favorite holidays!
Create a Thankful Atmosphere: Take a moment to say what you are thankful for. (Tip: This doesn’t have to be a practice just for thanksgiving day, try thinking of something every day that you are thankful for!) Check out these fun creative ways to say thanks: www.livingly.com/Give+Thanks+with+These+Family+Gratitude+Projects/articles/riuE1ySC6iK
Be a Helping Hand: Thanksgiving is not only a time to feast, but also a time to give. There are plenty of ways you can help someone in need this Thanksgiving. Try inviting a friend who is far from home to your holiday meal, volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, donating to a foodbank or even just helping set the table.
Participate in #GivingTuesday: After giving thanks on Thursday, give back on Tuesday. Join the #BigBendGivesBack movement and make an impact on our community on Tuesday, November 29. It doesn’t matter how you give -- you can donate, volunteer or share your talent. Check out the list of 300 nonprofits in the Big Bend and find ways to get involved at bigbendgivesback.org.
We want to hear from you! Tweet us at @Awards4U and let us know how you recognized others this Thanksgiving.